• EMA
  • Bollinger Bands
  • CPR
  • RSI
  • Volume
  • Inside Bar
  • Moving Average Convergence, Divergence
  • Moving Average
  • Pivot points
  • 5 EMA, Bollinger bond
  • 5 EMA, 20 EMA crossover
  • Demark 9
  • Intraday Trend Finder
  • Strike price to choose
  • Emotional control
  • Partly method
  • Self-work
  • Growth mindset
  • Cycles (PRDS)
  • Samuel Benner Cycle
  • Emotional cycle
    • (Optimism, excitement, Thrill, Euphoria, Anxiety, Denial, Fear, Desperation Panic, capitulation, despondency, depression, hope, relief optimism)
  • 1920 American bubble
  • 1929 Great Depression
  • Japanese stocks in 1980
  • 1987 (Black Monday)
  • 1992 Harshad Mehta Scam
  • 2000 bubble
  • 2008 Great recession
  • 2023 Adani Bubble
  • China`s real estate bubble
  1. George Soros
  2. Jesse Livermore
  3. Jim Simons
  4. Steve Cohon
  5. Warren Buffet
  6. Peter Lynch

PRICE:- Rs. 10,000/-

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